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Unreleased Music 1

Here's a sampling of some newer pieces that have yet to be released but that will find their way into a forthcoming album.

Of course I'll announce it here when it's done but in the meantime heres a little sonic preview of what it might be like.

Sara's Song image.png
A Little Dance art.jpg
The Sweet Land image .jpg
King's Men graphic.jpg
Boots Type.jpg

Some preview comments:



Oh Man

I don't think any song in the history of music has ever been so appropriately titled. it's like i could have guessed the title just from listening. VERY well put together. Theme+sound=fit perfectly.

Sam Dixon


Memories of John

Flowing and Melodic

The harmonies and sense of breathing through your careful phrasing here are finely done. There are some moments in this work that really glow with the gold of a sunset, like shimmering peaks above an already beautiful landscape (1:25 to 1:38 for example). Your subtle use of dissonance in spots makes this all the sweeter in the resolution. A wonderful tribute my friend.

Doug Somers


Sarah's Song


I absolutely adore the powerful pedal. It brings the piece so much drive & purpose. The harmonies are beautiful, & overall, this piece is simply perfect. Its simple without being plain or boring, a piece driven by sweet harmonies & some of the most wonderful counterpoint Ive ever heard.

Tessa Low


Sarah's Song


Theres an Aaron Copland quality to this piece ( and others you have posted). You have a knack for capturing the American West using traditional European instrumentation. Beautiful Work.

Andrew Lack


A Little Dance

"Heartbeat of the world!

I can always hear wide open spaces ...sometimes other places but always such a panorama of sound and wonder. A def. download and a sincere Bravo.

Jack Hemby


Simple Pleasures

The joys of flutes and strings

You have a style which is immediately recognizable and yet I never tire of hearing it applied to all you create. This is rich and golden, pastoral and simple in the 'grounded in nature' kind of simplicity.

Beautiful, and a now new member of my Mazarakes collection.

Doug Sommers


Simple Pleasures


I am particularly taken by the unpretentious way this piece unfolds: it is simplicity itself and never tries to be what it is not. There is a folk quality to the whole composition that gives it a comfortable feeling, a homey feeling, a feeling that all is going to be okay. You have a lot going on in the mix. To my ears, you control each instrument quite well and I have no problem following each line.

Paul f. Page


Looking for You


Rich sound palate, variety of instruments and that celtic feel - something the Riverdance troupe could easily use! Much enjoyed.

Philip Gardner


The Sweet Land

Clear as far as the eyes can see

This piece is gorgeous Charles! I can imagine that's what the first settlers said to themselves at one time. Nice instrumentation's used here and played very well. The piece moved along at a great pace.

A beautiful piece.

​Thanks so much for sharing it!

Patricia Martinez



Ah, The Open Prairie

A portrait of my neck of the woods. This is so spacious and alive. Has a hint of a Copland undertone, but it's hardly Copland-esque. It's all unique, and entirely "Bowman".

Thanks for sharing it!

Jeannette Roth


The Plow

Ah, The Open Prairie

A portrait of my neck of the woods. This is so spacious and alive. Has a hint of a Copland undertone, but it's hardly Copland-esque. It's all unique, and entirely "Bowman".

Thanks for sharing it!

Jeannette Roth



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